数据合规 | 公司必须采取的九个步骤确保数据隐私

标签: 数据合规 企业数据合规 浏览量:0 2023-05-05

9 Steps Companies Must Take to Ensure Data Privacy公司必须采取的九个步骤确保数据隐私

Many Internet companies have extraordinary access to individuals’ personal data – their actions, their friends, their preferences, their interests – and their most intimate secrets. These companies should handle this access responsibly.



① Become Data Stewards

Act as custodians of users’ personal data – protect the data, not just out of business necessity, but on behalf of the people who have trusted you with it.

① 成为数据管家


② Be accountable

Companies should be transparent about their privacy practices, adhere to their privacy policies, and demonstrate that they are doing what they say. This means establishing safeguards for handling personal data and showing they are being enforced, committing to periodic independent audits, and ensuring partners abide by the same standards. When something goes wrong, they should be transparent about what happened, do their best to contain the harm and provide those affected with remedies.

② 要负责任


③ Stop using user consent to excuse bad practices

People should not be asked to agree to data sharing practices that are unreasonable, unfair, or hard to understand. Companies should not rely on user consent to justify their data handling practices.

③ 停止使用用户同意来辩解不良做法


④ Provide user-friendly privacy information

Companies should give people relevant, straightforward, concise, and easy to understand “in time” information about how their personal data is being collected, used, and shared.

④ 提供用户友好的隐私信息


⑤ Give people control of their privacy

People should be able to see when and how their data is being used. Companies should provide easy-to-use privacy controls and make privacy the default, not an optional extra.

⑤ 给予人们隐私控制


⑥ Respect the context in which personal data is shared

Companies should confine the use of personal data to the context in which it was collected. They shouldn’t allow unauthorized or unwarranted secondary uses of personal data.

⑥ 尊重个人数据共享范围


⑦ Protect “anonymized” data as if it were personal data

Companies should apply basic privacy protections to “anonymized” data. This could mitigate potential harm if the data is later re-identified or used to single out particular individuals.

⑦ 像保护是个人数据一样保护匿名数据


⑧ Encourage privacy researchers to highlight privacy weaknesses, risks, or violations

Companies should invite independent privacy experts to audit new services and features as they are being developed, and those audits should be made publicly available when possible. Companies should also encourage researchers to report privacy vulnerabilities or violations and provide an open, transparent process for responsible disclosure.

⑧ 鼓励隐私研究人员强调隐私的弱点、风险或违规行为


⑨ Set privacy standards above and beyond what the law requires

Companies should set the next generation of privacy standards.

⑨ 制定超出法律要求的隐私标准


文章来源:Internet Socitey / http://internetsocitey.org




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